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since ‎Aug 31, 2005
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I have read everything about how to update the system PATH environment variable to figure out how I can add the path of my application to it. And I can't understand exactly how to do this on a basic MSI project.In one particular thread they talk abou...
I have a basic MSI project that installs my client application, which I call project A here.I have also another basic MSI project that requires my client application to be already in place (called here project B.)Is there any way I can use project A ...
I have following the instructions to debug the CAs on my basic MSI project on a remote computer as follow:Copy ISDbg.exeRegister ISDbg.exe (isdbg.exe /REGSERVER)I launch the setup as follow:setup.exe /v"ISSCRIPTDEBUG=1 ISSCRIPTDEBUGPATH=\"path-to-Set...
My Basic MSI project has two custom actions (CA). One is launch from the main project, the other is part of a merge module.The CA on the merge module triggers find but it does not set the CustomActionData property correctly. Here is the details of t...
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‎Feb 14, 2024
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