Level 7
since ‎Oct 13, 2020
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Is there a way that I can conveniently get a list of my entitlements that are not in jar files.
Submitted batch through flexnet operations. It is waiting for over an hour. 39351   Thank you, Ken
Hi,   In Flexnet Operations importing data objects, a simple task 39060 acts as  if not being batched. It is stuck in waiting mode for 16 minutes. Please assist. We need to do a deployment today.   Thank you, Ken
Hi, The Flexnet Operations Portal action  of searching downloads has been displaying in a character based mode, which makes it difficult to use. Looks like a mistake in a GUI update. This issue is likely more widely scattered. I wanted to deploy soft...
Hi, I'm getting the build errors shown in the attachments. There is another attachment, which shows some of the files that I have. Please assist. Thank you very much, Ken
Online status:
‎Sep 13, 2024
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