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since ‎Jun 16, 2020
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I'm doing an initial install and configuration of  FNMS 2020 R1 and have two beacons installed, and showing as Connected and Operating Normally.  I do see data showing every now and again in the Total to upload, including some AD info.Following the I...
I installed the FlexNet Beacon and downloaded the config, and then imported it.  I ran the test, and this is what we ended up with. BeaconEngine.Logic2020-07-01 15:43:41,698 [tionProtocolIdentifier|discoexport] [INFO ] The protocol used for communica...
Just finished the install, and config, but when I goto http://<appServer>/SuiteI get the following. Server Error401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the crede...
I created the Databases on a separate server, but installed the remaining components on a single Windows Server 2016 server.  Setup.exe ran sucessfully, and I moved onto running the following after an initial install:.\Config.ps1 "Config\FNMS Windows...
Online status:
‎Sep 03, 2020
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