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since ‎Aug 07, 2003
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HI,I'm currently trying to deploy JAWS pdf creator, and am having severe problems trying to repackage the app. (similarly to when i tried to do Acrobat until we found the deployment tool!!!!)The actual setup.exe is accompanied by a .inx file, which a...
Is there a way of getting an application which consists of a setup.exe, and an msi all into one msi file without repackaging it?
HI,I have a couple of applications which are subject to regular upgrades. Generally these upgrades consist of me being given 2 or 3 files from the existing application which have been changed by our developers. I used Adminstudio to repackage the ori...
Hi,We've just bought Adminstudio 5,:D and despite successfully converting a couple of apps on the Preview lab some time ago, when I try to convert any of our Zenworks 3.2 Application object, I end up with what looks like the correct info, but all th...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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