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since ‎Apr 23, 2019
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Hi There,I'm having the above error when uploading a standard purchase order by using the template. There isn't any comma nor other punctuation symbols in the file & my date format is yyyy/mm/dd. Has anyone encountered such error and what was the way...
Hi All,I have upload my MLS baseline in the system however the part "  Creating and updating licenses" I have none created. No previous licences were created.Processing of baseline purchases has completed successfully.0 baseline purchases were linked...
Hi Community,While assigning Windows Server Datacenter licenses to Host, the underlining VMs still consume windows server standard licenses. What is the best practice to avoid such thing?Thanks in advance for a reply.
I am building a report on Windows server licenses, within those licenses some have restrictions based on their corporate unit.The purpose of this report is to show licenses with those restrictions among others. Can someone please tell me in which fie...
Hi there,Is there a way or an adapter to pull the user list of Creative cloud products (license type: Named user) from the Adobe console and reflect it in FNSM instead of adding the users manually for license consumption?Thanks in advance for your re...
Online status:
‎Oct 20, 2022
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