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since ‎Sep 15, 2009
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I tried to change a user defined property in a InstallScript, as below operation, but it cannot be changed after processing its InstallScript. 1) Add new property by Property Manager. Name: ETYPE Value: NULL 2) Write a simple InstallScript , i...
I try to check if Windows 7 or not, using GetVersionEx in Install Script.However, When I debugged as below Script in Windows 7, th nimber of nMinorVersion was returned 0. (The Number of nMajorVersion was correctlly returned 1.)Could someone help me, ...
Could someone please help me?Problem:After the software is installed, - I try to install the same version software (the same installer). - "Program Maintenance" Dialog (See attached file) is appeared. - As selecting "Modify" and clicking "Next" butto...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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