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since ‎Feb 18, 2009
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I need to kill and start the explorer so the iconcache.db can be rebuild. This works all correctly on a 32 bit OS. But not on windows 2008 R2 or windows 7 64 bit. The result is explorer starts up but not as shell(taskbar and desktop are missing). Doe...
I'm using the following code to try to set an application pool 's property enable32bitapponwin64 to true:function AppPoolEnable32BitApps(sApplicationPoolName) STRING sCommand; STRING sParameters; NUMBER nOptions; begin //Check if windows 2008 64 ...
We are using a installscript project with IS 2009.Is it possible to create our own properties for the setup file created by installshield.When we now click on the created setup file and choose properties and check the version tab we see the propertie...
It seems that certain changes to components linked to IIS make the installation order different which can result in empty web.config files. error icons(winxp) on the website in the IIS manager. Virtual directories not made and other missing IIS confi...
Sometimes after installation we get the reboot dialog. what i like to know what caused this dialog to be shown and i don't mean BATCH_INSTALL = TRUE but what file was locked or any other operation which could not be performed by the setup. i want to ...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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