Level 3
since ‎Mar 03, 2013
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I know I've posted this in the ISLE subforum, but I've installed the trial of InstallShield 2012 Spring Express to see if that would resolve the issue, but it hasn't.Basically, as setup projects have been deprecated from VS2010 to VS2012, we're looki...
I installed the 2012 Spring Express trial to evaluate the migration of our VS2010 setup projects to InstallShield. I'm looking for an alternative to the VS2010 setup projects that were deprecated in VS2012I'm getting a number of crashes when working...
I'm currently investigating an environment upgrade from VS 2010 to VS 2012 an am looking at migrating all of our VS setup projects to InstallShield.I've upgraded a solution that contains about 80 difference C# projects. Most of these projects are DL...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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