Level 4
since ‎Jun 02, 2008
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Hello, Can we call SQLRTInitialize2() function in installscript deferred custom action?
 Function to remove occurences of certain string at start from the provided string.prototype STRING TrimStart(STRING, STRING);//////Removes all occcurences of the trim string at the start of original/// string.//////String to be trimmed at start.//...
Hello, Following is script to generate compressed guid id from the original guid.////// Converts original GUI to Compressed guid.////// StrReplace(szCompressed,"-","",0); StrReplace(szCompressed,"}","",0); StrSub(szSub, szCompressed,0,8); szReturn...
Hi, Can you please help me to retrieve version of earlier installed version while performing Major upgrade.ThanksSachin Pawar
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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