Level 7
since ‎Apr 11, 2019
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  • 146 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 60 Kudos given
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User Activity

I have noticed some unrecognized File Evidence that I have assigned to an application.  The application was originally in "inactive" state, I placed in authorized hoping it would pick up the devices with the app installed.  I did run a manual reconci...
No matter how I try to access I get the error message:  URL No Longer ExistsYou have attempted to reach a URL that no longer exists on You may have reached this page after clicking on a direct link into the application. This direct li...
SaaS Manger is not detecting instances of Power BI Premium.  Is Flexera One SaaS incapable of differentiating between Pro and Premium?Thanks
I'm not seeing this points rule type.  Anyone know why?  Yes, we are licensed for Database.Thanks
What would cause one to not be able to allocate devices?  I'm selecting device and trying to change state to "Allocated" and this functionality will not work.  Will not allow us to allocate devices.
Online status:
‎Oct 10, 2024
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