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Usage Intelligence - Front End Change Log

Usage Intelligence - Front End Change Log

Here you will find some notable releases that appear in your Usage Intelligence reports. 

July 2024


  • Quota & Billing page updates: The Quota & Usage menu item in the Administration menu has been renamed to Quota & Billing, and Quota & Usage is now the default tab on the Quota & Billing page.
  • JSON export filtering bug fixed: The Generate JSON export feature on the Client Profile report has been updated to apply filters when exporting. Previously, if an export was performed after applying filters, all of the Client IDs were exported, ignoring the filters. 

June 2024


  • Custom numeric event report for DEMO Product: The DEMO Product now includes a functional custom numeric event report.


  • Updated CPU types: New CPUs in the market have been incorporated into the CPU Type filter properties and will also be visible in reports that display CPU types.

May 2024

Usage Intelligence v2 Decommissioned

Usage Intelligence v2 is officially decommissioned. Users can access their data using Usage Intelligence v3. For more information, please refer to the "Legacy Usage Intelligence v2.0 Site Will Be Discontinued on May 31, 2024" news post.



  • Filters added for custom numeric event report
  • Ability to produce a JSON export of custom numeric event report
  • Redocly site is fixed with Auth related documentation


  • Number values accepting filters are modified to accept default value as '1'

June 2023

Usage Intelligence v3 (Beta available now)

User Interface Performance

Usage Intelligence v3 user interface utilizes single page application (SPA) framework that loads and renders content dynamically without needing to refresh the page. The SPA framework provides faster load times and a more fluid, app-like user experience. The component-based architecture makes it easier to scale and maintain.


REST APIs have been added and updated in Usage Intelligence v3. Security has been improved with the new REST APIs. Application maintenance and ability to add new features is made easier with the modular programming approach.

Transition from Usage Intelligence v2 and v3

With the release of Usage Intelligence v3 (Beta), we advise users to be aware of the following:

  • You may observe data sync issues when you create or save data in either v2 or v3. Please refer to the Data Sync Limitations section of the Transition from Usage Intelligence v2 and v3 article for more details.
  • Some changes are synchronized between both versions. We advise caution when executing create, update, or delete operations to avoid data loss. Please refer to the Synchronized Data Changes section of the Transition from Usage Intelligence v2 and v3 article for more details.

When Usage Intelligence v3 is fully released, these edits can only be operated in this version. Usage Intelligence v2 will be read-only and no further edits can be made using that portal.

Due to these data sync limitations, if you plan to register a new product on v3, please do it for testing purpose as you will lose that product and data collected once v3 is fully live. 


Contact Sales

The 'Contact Sales' option is now available under Help in the top navigation bar instead of the Admin -> Quota and Billing section.

Copy Functionality

The copy functionality on the Event Tracking Management page has been removed. Users can export to CSV or Excel instead.

January 2021

Core Analytics

Added Cross-Product Reporting. Cross-Product Report provides insight into how many unique machines have installed products for a given date range that are part of product groups that you create. Up to three groups of products can be utilized in the creation of the report. Read More. 

November 2020


Under Product Management, the menu Item Event Tracking Whitelist Management was renamed to Event Tracking Management

Under Event Tracking Management the selectable field Auto-Whitelist was renamed to Auto-Approve

Client IP Blacklist was renamed to Blocked Client IPs

Updated all nomenclature for Whitelist and Blacklist across the dashboard to use Approve/Block terminology. These changes affect Event Tracking Management, Licensing, Blocked Client IPs, and Delete & Block Clients.

Core Analytics

Added Data Retention Months and License Key Registry statistics to the Quota Usage Page.

Added ability to view aggregate quota usage for products that are part of a quota pool.

Added new functionality for string-based properties in report filtering:

  • Support for filtering by regular expression
  • Added ability to load filter values from a file
  • Added ability to copy selected filter value to clipboard

October 2020


Updated user interface with the rebranding to Revenera

Core Analytics

Added Group By functionality in distribution and Lifetime Event Usage reports, which gives you the ability to change the property used to identify an installation. Read More 

September 2020

Core Analytics

  • Added ability to switch data between installation count and % of active installations in distribution reports.
  • Added cross-product data export, to be able to see the number of users making use of multiple products.

August 2020


  • Added Lifetime Event Count variables in ReachOut campaigns, to be able to send event usage counts to client installations.
  • Updated automatic ReachOut campaigns delivery chart to show statistics for messages delivered vs messages that were clicked and interacted with by users.

April 2019

Core Analytics

User Flow Reporting

The User Flow report provides you with a picture of the journey your users take when interacting with your product. By specifying a hotspot event, you can analyze everything that happens around it, how users reach that event, and which steps they take following it.
Read More

December 2018

Core Analytics

Export Property Values

Users can select any property (as visible in the filters list), including Custom Properties and it will generate a full list of metadata for a particular property. Available as a JSON or plain text file. Read More

Support for Multiple Billing Email Addresses

Users can now add multiple email addresses as their billing contacts, who would each receive a copy of any invoices or billing notifications.

Data Table Export for Lifetime Event Tracking and Churn Lifetime Event Usage

Users can now export a JSON file with all the data in the Event Usage tables.

IP Blacklist

Users can add a list of IPs or IP ranges that will be blocked from the server. These can be used to block internal users from submitting data to the RUI server (say during QA) or to block any unwanted users or domains. Read More


ReachOut Archiving

Users can move any ReachOut campaign from the “Active” tab to an archive. This is especially useful for users having a large list of ReachOut messages that they do not want to permanently delete. All archived campaigns are accessible from the “Archived” tab inside the ReachOut page. An archived campaign is automatically disabled but stored for historical or reporting purposes. It can be made “Active” again at any point or can still be used to clone new campaigns from it. Read More

ReachOut ID Display

Users can see the unique ReachOut Campaign ID displayed in each of the ReachOut tables. This helps for reporting purposes and referencing with raw data exports or Client Profile data, all of which show the ReachOut IDs that a client has been delivered.

November 2018

Core Analytics

Client Profile Report

Users have the ability to drill down into product usage data for a particular client, look at data for sets of ClientIDs that match specific criteria, and do full exports of the data by ClientID for further analysis, joining with third-party data sets, or historical archiving of all your usage data. Capabilities include:

  • Export data for further analysis in third-party analytics systems
  • View all ReachOut in-application campaigns that any client has received
  • Identify specific ClientIDs of user segments by properties and usage
  • Manage GDPR requests for data access
  • Download data for archiving
  • Use JSON format of data exports for maximum portability

Read More

Raw Data Export

Users can collect, upon request, all the raw data from their application in addition to the standard data collected and processed by Usage Intelligence. This needs to be configured with an account manager to be enabled and collect the data specific to each user case. Read More

August 2018


Knowledgebase and ticketing system updated for enhanced searchability, ticket tracking and user experience. View Support Center

June 2018

Core Analytics

Virtual Machine Architecture Report

Users can now report and analyze installations running on Virtual Machines across Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. It also allows other reports to be filtered by usage on specific Virtual Machines only with installations running for deeper analytics. Read More

Sunburst Visualizations in Usage Intelligence

The new Sunburst diagram lets you illustrate and analyze hierarchical or segmented data through an interactive Sunburst chart with drilldown functionality. You can visualize three properties and click on any segment to drill down into it and explore the relationships.

March 2018

Core Analytics

Support for Facebook Login Discontinued

Due to the lack of usage, account creation, and login via Facebook is no longer supported by Usage Intelligence.

Null Value Reporting

Reports now support <NULL> values (where no information is collected) and users can choose to include or not include these values in their reporting and visualizations. This distinction provides greater insight into total usage numbers. Read More

Export Data to CSV

In addition to image formats, table data and timeline data can now be exported by users in a CSV format for any report in Usage Intelligence.


Clone ReachOut Campaigns

Users can now create copies or clones of their existing campaigns to repurpose in launching new campaigns to different audiences or with other modifications.

Filter ReachOut Recipients by Previous Campaigns

In-application messages can now be targeted to users based on whether or not they have received other messages previously via ReachOut. This allows for a message series to be created via sequenced messages.

February 2018

Core Analytics

Regular Expressions (“Regex”) Added

All filters for reporting and ReachOut now take advantage of regular expressions to provide greater flexibility and time savings. From the Filters UI you can choose “Exact Match,” “Starts with” or “Contains” to filter any string property. Like other filters, Regex-based filters can also be saved as templates and shared with your team.

Lifetime Event Usage Filter

This powerful addition allows you to ask and get answers to more complicated questions by filtering any report or ReachOut campaign based on the user’s actual usage of the product functionality. For example, how many users have launched the configuration wizard at least once, but never finished the wizard completely? Or, how many users used the product for at least 10 hours but have not yet discovered Feature X? Or, how many users who have used heavily Feature X but made little to no use of Feature Y.

Date Installed Filter

This new filter enables you to report on usage by people who installed during a specific time period (for example, during a campaign or following an event). You can easily see how many users who installed during the Q4 promo that are still active today and what are they doing with the software. You can also run churn analysis reports only on those users who installed before a specific time period.

Date Last Seen Filter

This enhancement allows you to filter in/out users that were last seen before or after a specific date. For example, you might want to run a report of how many users abandoned a specific version/edition of your software in the days after you announced that you will be terminating its support. When used in combination with the Date Installed Filter, you can get more accurate data on product and feature usage by filtering out anyone who was not fully active during the whole reporting period (e.g., the average runtime and feature usage metrics will not include users who installed or uninstalled the product in the middle of that reported date range).


ReachOut Delivery Caps

If you want to send a promotion to a limited number of users, send upgrade notifications in batches, or run A/B testing with a random user sample, you can now easily achieve this by setting a Maximum Delivery Cap on any ReachOut campaign to limit the number of messages delivered.

December 2017

Core Analytics

Java SDK Released

Usage Intelligence adds a software usage analytics solution designed for distributed native Java applications on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Read More

Reporting Filters Added

  • Filtering for specific Usage Intelligence Client ID and Machine ID for customers also using Revenera Compliance Intelligence, providing deeper insight into feature usage within unlicensed software to accelerate settlement and conversion discussions
  • Opt-In/Opt-Out Status, making it easier to calculate sample size and measure the effectiveness of software usage analytics programs
  • Lifetime Product & Feature Usage, providing deeper insight into specific user groups and their engagement with various product functionality

October 2017

Core Analytics

Updates to User Permission Controls

Users can now easily manage user permissions for their entire team. Admins can grant Full, Read-Only, or Deny access for different aspects of Usage Intelligence from User Management, Reporting, ReachOut, Developer, License Key Management or Filtering, Quota Usage, Billing and Subscription, or Reporting API access. For each user, you can quickly preview all their access levels, edit their permissions, clone them for other users that have the same organizational role or revoke their permissions.

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Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 30, 2024 08:51 AM
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