Dear Spider-Community,
Following Situation: We have a dynamic cluster, means the cluster contsists of 6 Servers and in the cluster 10 virtual machines are running. The VM dynamically changing the servers. On the servers the OS is Windows Server 2012 Standard.
Question: How will Spider calculate the licence requirement per Server, respectively what we have to do in Spider, to get the correct licence requirement calculated?
Thanks and Regards Markus
‎Dec 11, 2019 07:54 AM
‎Dec 11, 2019 07:56 AM
What means "proper relationship"? Yes we have the "current snap shot" relationship given by the scanning System. Means e.g. relationship between Server01 to VM01 & VM02; Server02 to VM03-VM05, ...
But how or does Spider knows, that all VM can be run on just one Server at a time. So from our perspective all Servers has been licenced for 10 VMs, but how can we achieve this without manuell effort in Spider?
‎Dec 11, 2019 08:05 AM
‎Dec 11, 2019 08:10 AM
Hi Jan, Hi James,
do you have a solution or suggestion for the problem/Ssituation?
Best Regards Markus
‎Dec 12, 2019 10:34 AM