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Different currency in contract or license

in Spider contract or in Spider license, I can see as a currency only EUR, not any other currency.
How can I activate them?
Thank you

(3) Replies

Hi Vlad,


As far as I know, the currency can only be changed within the database. Each Object has the "Currency" table.

Which currency would you like to change to? I will see If I can get more detailed information on changing values.


Kind regards,

James Ellis

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Hi James,
I would like to have an option in Currency code to choose from EUR, USD and GBP in drop down menu in the contract, license and maintenance, now I have only EUR.
Thank you

Hi Vlad,


I have checked and got the result that you are looking for.

Note: This is self-managed and requires access to the SQL Database.


To achieve this, I have a sample statement for you:

INSERT INTO dbo.currency
VALUES	('USD','United States dollar','1.07'),
        ('GBP','Pound sterling','0.86');

This will need to be done for SpiderCore, SpiderAsset, SpiderLicence, and SpiderContract.


Kind regards,

James Ellis

Like the answer, please remember to "Accept as solution". Keep the Kudo's coming!