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Watchlists in SVR from the FNMS inventory

Question related to automate asset data from Tanium into FNMS and then create Watchlists in SVR from the FNMS inventory.

From the Tanium Asset ObjectAdaptor Specification, are there data limitations using the Asset ObjectAdaptor from TaniumConnect ?:

  • Is it only Red Hat and Windows Installed Applications that can be collected or are other Linux Variants possible?
  • Is it only .exe files that can be collected, or are other file types possible?

Thanks for your answers in advance.

(1) Reply

Hi @jlintunen2 

Software Vulnerability Research (SVR) can create and update its Watch Lists using normalized inventory from FlexNet Manager Suite (FNMS).  More information on configuring that can be found here for FNMS on-premises:

As SVR is dependent on FNMS for this normalized inventory list, the question of how and what kind of inventory data from Tanium is supported by FNMS, it's more of an FNMS question.  I did find some information on our Tanium connector in the current FNMS product help here:

If you still need assistance with taking in Tanium data into FNMS, I'd suggest you post your question in our FNMS forum: 

Expert Flexeran on AdminStudio, Workflow Manager, and Software Vulnerability Manager / Research
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