‎Jul 21, 2019 02:38 AM
Hi @sebastien_dorc,
This is already possible in the SVM 2019 interface, using the 'Site' assignment of your SVM 2019 Agents.
Please navigate to Scanning > Local Host Agents interface where all your active Agents are being displayed.
Notice the "Site" column which represents the "Site" grouping boundary for each of your active Agents.
You can right-click on an Agent within a selected "Site" and use the "Edit Site Configuration" option to edit the "Site" settings for all agents in this group. This will set the configuration you've set in the menu to all Agents within the "Site" group you have thereby selected.
I hope this helps you further.
‎Jul 22, 2019 04:03 AM
We are looking to customize the settings for specific host in a host group, not to add different sites.
‎Jul 22, 2019 04:11 AM
‎Jul 22, 2019 05:48 AM