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Hello all.
We're using Flexera SVM with the Vendor Patch Module in an on premises installation. Recently, we worked with Flexera to update the various bibs and bobs, and the SVM is running the latest version of things as of a month ago, including the new SVM patch publisher application. This, obviously, is very different from the IE powered ActiveX user interface that we were using previously. I'm currently running into the following issue.
I was showing a new employee how to create a patch from the VPM. Attempted to do so through the ActiveX browser application, and was told by it that we need to use the patch publisher application. I proceeded to create a patch through the application, and made the mistake of ticking the "Mark package as always installable" box. This proceeded to push Audacity to my entire organization, instead of patching six users, freaking out users when a new icon appeared on their desktop (and of course it's named Audacity).
I'm now attempting to use Flexera SVM to generate an uninstall package to remove it. Figure, if nothing else, this is a good learning experience. I went through the publisher application and believe I generated a correct uninstallation package via editing the javascript/xml that runs it. Included the silent flags, etc. However, when I wish to deploy, I'm not given the opportunity to select what groups I want to deploy to. I'd like to attempt with a test pool of users first, and then gradually expand that until I can remove it from all the machines in our organization.
Am I missing something obvious within the patch publisher application? I've gone through the documentation a few times, and I for the life of me can't find anything about this.
Dec 13, 2022 07:22 PM
Hi there,
we've just purchased SVM and are currently facing a very similar challenge in staging updates. I've been told to setup a secondary connection for the distribution system. So effectively the first connection targets your pilot group and the second your wider estate.
Hope this helps!
Dec 16, 2022 02:37 AM
This would be dependant on your Distribution System used, if you are using WSUS then you can add machines to a separate group within WSUS and only approve for this group.
Then once this is tested you can approve for the wider estate.
With SCCM you would do something similar but this wouldn't be handled from within SVM, you would create another collection of test machines to distribute to.
Kind regards,
Jan 13, 2023 04:15 AM