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InstallShield Build Fails During Signing of Media

InstallShield Build Fails During Signing of Media


On some 64-bit systems, when building an InstallShield media release that is defined to be signed with a .pfx file, the build fails during the execution of the SignTool utility.


On some 64-bit systems, when building an InstallShield media release that is defined to be signed with a .pfx file, the build fails during the execution of the SignTool utility.
The following InstallShield Editions are affected by this problem:
  • InstallShield Standalone Build


The InstallShield product is using the 32-bit version of Microsoft's .NET Framework SignTool.exe.

Steps To Reproduce

To reproduce this problem, perform the following:
  1. Install the InstallShield product on a 64-bit system
  2. Create a new Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI, Merge Module or Express project.
  3. In the Releases view, create a new Release
  4. Under the Release's "Signing" tab, specify a .pfx file to sign the installation media
  5. Build the release


To fix this problem, overlay the SignTool.exe found in the InstallShield Product' System folder with the 64-bit version of the SignTool utility by performing the following steps:
  1. Obtain a copy of the 64-bit version of the SignTool utility. This tool is included with Visual Studio and with the Windows SDK.
  2. Close all running instances of the InstallShield product.
  3. Make a backup copy of the SignTool.exe file found in the <ISProductFolder>\System folder. (i.e., For the InstallShield 2012 Professional Edition, by default, this location is ?C:\Program Files\InstallShield\2012\System?)
  4. Copy the 64-bit version of the SignTool.exe to the <ISProductFolder>\System folder.
  5. Rebuild the InstallShield project.

Additional Information

Additional information on digital signing can be found in the InstallShield Help topic: Digital Signing and Security
For a reference of the fields found in the Release "Signing" tab, please refer to the following InstallShield Help article: Signing Tab for a Release
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Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 19, 2018 04:26 PM
Updated by: