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Level 3

can't import from dialog gallery

I can export frames and dialogs to the dialogs gallery, but I cannot see them when I try to import them. The help screen says I should be given a choice of what dialog gallery to use, but I can't find any dialog gallery. The import dialog does list some dialogs to import, but they are not the ones I exported and I can find no uids to link them to. I have reconfirmed the path to the dialog gallery in Tools...Options....Dialog Gallery. The dialogs gallery directory is readable, writeable, and exectuable by all.

I have tried saving and exiting IS. Then restarting. Still no luck.
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Are the exported frames and dialogs visible in the Dialog Gallery for any project? I don't think you can import a dialog box into the same project used to export the dialog box (at least not if the dialog box is still around)...
0 Kudos
Level 3

The custom dialogs are visible, but the standard frames and dialogs I have modified are not visible in other projects. If I go to the dialoggallery directory, I can see all the frame and dialog uids.
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