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Level 3

adding folders to AppData produces msi Error 1312

In 'files' I added folder Google with subfolder GoogleEarth to Appdata and placed myplaces.kml in subfolder.

During install onm Vista, receive msi error 1312: Cannot create the directory c:\ProgramFIles\Google\GoogleEarth\googleearth.exe. A file of this name already exists...

If i rename the program googleearth.exe the installer creates a folder named googleearth.exe and places myplaces.kml in it there, under Program Files

Unh? AppData is supposed to resolve to \user\AppData\Roaming is it not?

In any case, where is it inferring googleearth.exe from? all scan dependencies are unchecked.
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Level 3

And if I run this from the same machine I built it on, the 1312 error path is "C:\InstallShieldExpress Projects\[projectName]\Express\CD_ROM\...\googleearth.exe"

The only reference to googleearth.exe is a "Requirements" all drive search for it.

...and, of course, the unchecked scan dependencies.
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Level 3, i changed the Requirements all drives scan from "googleearth.exe" to "GoogleEarth.exe" and, voila! the 1312 error message changed case too.

So, there is some interaction between scanning for that file as a requirement and trying to place a file in the [AppData] path.

If I remove the files [AppData]Google/GoogleEarth/myplaces.kml part of the installation everything works as expected and correctly responds to the presence or absence of GoogleEarth.exe
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Level 3

If I turn off the user-defined requirement, the problem persists

If I delete the user-defined requirement, the problem goes away and the files correctly deploy to [AppData].

If define the requirement again, the problem returns.

NOTE: if you define a new requirement and select all drives in the wizard, it takes you to the wrong dialog: it says search for 'folder' not 'file'. If you go back and modify the action, the wizard/dialog sequence is correct
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