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Level 8

Why CA for Printui does not work?

Setting up a printer with CA's and trying to set the printer as the default always fails. Outside of the .msi all commands work.
Since Windows 7 does not come natively with LaserJet 4 driver I need to install and setup a LJ4 printer as the default

These commands work as expected in a "run EXE from a path" CA:
Printui.exe /ia /m "HP LaserJet 4" /f "[SourceDir]prnhp001.Inf"
Printui.exe /if /b "Printer Name" /f "[SystemFolder]ntprint.inf /r "<\\Path2Printer>" /m "HP LaserJet 4"

1. Running Printui.exe directly in a CA
2. Running Rundll32.exe directly in a CA
3. Running Cmd.exe /c start directly in a command

Here are the CA's that I have tried:
Printui.exe /y /n "Printer Name"
Rundll32.exe printui.dll.PrintUIEntry /y /n "Printer Name"
cmd.exe /c start /B /WAIT Printui.exe /y /n "Printer Name"
cmd.exe /c start /B /WAIT Rundll32.exe printui.dll.PrintUIEntry /y /n "Printer Name"

All with error 0x00000709
This installation package worked flawlessly in XP for years, the only thing added was the first line to install the driver.

Any ideas? I do not want to add an external file to the installation do this. The .msi should be able to handle this.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I'm far from an expert in printers and their drivers, but the error you receive (0x709 -> 1801) is "The printer name is invalid". Is it possible the level of quoting is incorrect, or that you have the wrong name?
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