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Level 6

When does the INI file changes trigger?What is the sequence?

Hello friends,
In my installer, i am creating a Web url shortcut using the INI file changes technique. https://localhost

This shows that the URL shortcut creation via INI file changes takes place before the [IISHOSTNAME] property gets updated to "WIN161"

So i want to know, is there any way i can create the url shortcut with the updated value of [IISHOSTNAME]? Can i sequence the INI file changes to the end of the installation so that the shortcut creation takes place in the end with the updated value.

Please suggest.
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Level 6

dinesh_redhawk wrote:
Hello friends,
In my installer, i am creating a Web url shortcut using the INI file changes technique. https://localhost

This shows that the URL shortcut creation via INI file changes takes place before the [IISHOSTNAME] property gets updated to "WIN161"

So i want to know, is there any way i can create the url shortcut with the updated value of [IISHOSTNAME]? Can i sequence the INI file changes to the end of the installation so that the shortcut creation takes place in the end with the updated value.

Please suggest.

The INI file change sequence is when WriteIniFile custom action gets executed. You can find it in execute sequence . Dont change the sequence of default events as it will break somewhere else then.
Instead, try to move your own custom action according to the sequence. I moved mine to after InstallWelcome sequence and achieved my requirement.
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