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Level 4

Using RegistryService for another project than the current one

Hi all,

I would like to use the RegistryService to check if an assembly have been already installed. The trick is that the assembly is not installed by the current project. The information is in another vpd file.

How can I tell ISMP to look in the other project?

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(2) Replies
Level 5

If you have two different projects but one vpd, you can use the getSoftwareObject method in the RegistryService. It doesn't matter what project the assembly is in. They all get written to the same vpd.

But if you have two vpds for the two projects, then it's a lot tougher. I'm not exactly sure what you need to do in that case.
0 Kudos
Level 4

I'm in the second case unfortunately.
The first case would be perfect, I already use it!
I still have the solution to open and parse the vpd "manually" but it's not a very satisfactory solution.

Thanks for your reply,

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