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Level 2

Using Installshield limited version with VIsual Studio 2012

I am using installshield limited version with Visual studio 2012 and created an installation package for my project. I am using Windows 7 profressional and Windows 7 home edition. When I install the application on windows 7 Professional, the application works perfectly, when I load the application on Windows 7 home edition, then the folders that are part of the project do not work properly, meaning if I am saving a file to a folder in the application it does not allow me to do it. I have to right click on my application and do "run as administrator" to be able to get to read or write content to the folder.

I was wondering can anyone guide me as to what may be the solution to such a problem.
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(1) Reply
Level 9


There might be some issue with the integration of InstallShield with Visual Studio. Could be please try running a repair process of the same and let us know the results so that we could trace the exact cause for this problem?

Also, kindly verify the settings that might be changed when a user logs in as an Administrator and otherwise.

Looking forward to your reply.

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