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Level 6

Upgrade Problem


I'm creating an upgrade for my existing web application by simply incrementing the Version in Product Properties in General Information view.

When I execute setup.exe, it pops-out a message box asking if I want to perform upgrade, and I click Yes. When the installer runs, it seems that the setup does not copy the new files, and when I check the installation directory, the files are not updated.

Did I miss something or do anything incorrect?

Is it the correct way to make an upgrade?

Appreciate any idea. Thanks.

PS: I'm using a Web Setup project, and I'm using the same setup.exe for both installing & upgrading.
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

You might try creating "minor upgrade" item in the Upgrades view, which in turn will help validate whether your upgrade is set up properly. Creating an MSI log file at run time when applying the upgrade can also help.

([thread=183821]This thread[/thread] also points to some white papers about creating and organizing update projects.)
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Level 6

Thanks Robert, will try it....

Just to add:

This odd behavior appeared after I modified the SetupResume dialog to display a customized SQLLogin (I named it SQLLoginUpgrade) dialog after clicking 'Next' (this is to facilitate database upgrade). So, after the user clicks 'Next' button in SQLLoginUpgrade dialog, the upgrade process will start.

Before I did this modification, the upgrade works good (the app files always updated).

My suspicion is, this is the point where I made a mistake (modifying the SetupResume etc), but I can't put it back to work again :confused:

Modifications I did:
- Changed the event of 'Next' button of 'SetupResume' dialog to display 'SQLLoginUpgrade'.

- Added events to 'Next' button of 'SQLLoginUpgrade' to do the following:
- Validate database credentials with ISSQLValidate
- EndDialog (Return) if condition OutOfNoRbDiskSpace<>1 is met
- NewDialog (OutOfSpace) if condition OutOfNoRbDiskSpace=1 is met

Anything wrong I have done? Or the SetupResume dialog is not to be modified? :confused:
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