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Level 2

Troubles about SQL scripts

I'm using IS 2008 Professional v14 with Lic. Hotfix.

When using the SQL scripts explorer I found some troubles. I have 2 SQL connections in the explorer view, and each one has a script inside.

1) NewSQLConnection1
- newscript1.sql
2) NewSQLConnection2
- newscript2.sql

I click the NewSQLConnection1 and in the General tab I set the field Default Target Server Name (optional) to "TESTSQLSERVER"

Then I click the NewSQLConnection2 and in the General tab I found in the Catalog Name field the same value I set previously in the Default Target Server Name for NewSQLConnection1. So Catalog Name is set to "TESTSQLSERVER" too.

In particular, if I try to change the Catalog Name for NewSQLConnection2, that value is then copied to the Default Target Server Name for NewSQLConnection1.

To be honest I really do not understand this behaviour. It's like the two fields are exchanging their values!

Please can you tell me what's the trouble?

I was looking at the chapter "Creating a Sample Installation that Creates a SQL Server Database by Running Customized SQL Script" discussed here:

Even the example provided by the IS2008 guide in that chapter is not working because the strange behaviour I described above.
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(2) Replies
Level 17

Please check the Windows Installer properties assocaited with the settings of each SQL connection in the Connection | Advanced tab of the SQL Scripts view. I am assuming that you are using a same property for both the Target Server Property Name for NewSQLConnection1, and the Target Catalog Property Name for NewSQLConnection2. Therefore, those values that you entered are shared between those settings.

Hope that helps.
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Level 2

OK, solved!

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