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Level 2

Transitive component not working during modify installation


Consider Product P1 of version 1.0, having a component (Consider Comp1) associated with two features say, F1 and F2. F1 and F2 have other independent components as well.

Now in P1 of version 1.1 (Minor upgrade),
the requirement is to install Comp1 when F1 is installed. But when only F2 is installed, Comp1 should not be installed.

To achieve this, i made Comp1 as 'transitive' and set the condition property appropriately. Thus it works during new installation of P1 Version 1.1.
But during modify installation, the transitive components is not working.


1. New installation of P1 ver 1.1 with feature F1 is installed.
Comp1 is placed. (Works!)

2. New installation of P1 ver 1.1 with only feature F2 is installed.
Comp1 is not placed. (Works!)

3. New installation of P1 ver 1.1 with feature F1 is installed.(Comp1 is placed.)
During Modify installation, F1 is de-selected and F2 in selected to install.
The Comp1 condition is False. But Comp1 is not getting removed. (Problem!)

I understand that component condition is evaluated after CostFinalize action, even in Modify installation.

Is there any way of solving this issue other than going for Major upgrade?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,
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(2) Replies
Level 6

May be a silly question - but in the Component GUI (right hand pane), in addition to the Component Condition is a yes/no setting for 'Re-evaluate condition'. I'm certain that this comes into play when doing an installation Repair, and I think it might come into play if doing an installation Modify.

This causes the component condition to be re-evaluated at times other than the original installation (which is what you need and don't seem to be getting).
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Level 2

What i meant by transitive component is, setting the component condition and setting the re-evaluate property to Yes.

This seems to work during upgrade and re-installation, but not during change installation.
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