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Level 4

System32 and Syswow64


I am trying to invoke odbcad32.exe at the end of the installation using New EXe -> Path referencing directory.

Based on 32bit or 64bit package it should invoke the c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe or c:\windows\system32\odbcad32.exe

Though I execute 64bit package, c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe is invoked.

So, I went ahead and created [system64folder]odbcad32.exe for 64bit. However, this doesn't work.

Can someone help me with this.
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Windows Installer will only let you use 64-bit locations from a 64-bit package. If you want to launch an executable from the (64-bit) C:\Windows\System32, you will either need to convert your package to 64-bits (in which case it will not launch on 32-bit systems), or to launch it through an intermediate custom action which can reference the real location. An InstallScript custom action or a custom DLL or EXE file can be this intermediate.
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Level 4

I have used a CA New EXE with [SystemFolder]odbcad32.exe for both 32bit and 64bit which should have invoked the correct odbcad32.exe ( i.e system32\odbcad32.exe)

However i cannot use InstallScript custom action. Earlier I tried using a vbscript, but unless I close odbcad32.exe, the finish dialog will not disappear. I tried it with various In-script execution modes. Also synchronous and asynchronous.

For 64bit package, I have the template summary as AMD64.
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