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Level 4

Stop Installation + Prompt User if previously installed

As the title says.

For example if have ANY version installed new or old, I want the installer to stop and prompt the user with a custom message explaining what needs to be done.

If you are going to say "use the upgrade feature", we are dealing with binary database files which need SQL scripts (SQLAnywhere) to be run against the database and we haven't found an easy way of doing that through IS other than just executing BAT files. And if one of them fails we are scared we are going to end up being in some funny state with IS (correct us if we are wrong). Any suggestions would be appreciated on the matter though.

As a stop gap though we are trying to do something as my first question.
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Flexera Alumni

New InstallShield projects use a detect-only entry in the Upgrade table (you can see it in the Upgrades view) to see if a newer product version is present, along with a conditional ISPreventDowngrade custom action to display a message if a newer version is found. You could modify a copy of this to detect older versions with different product codes, assuming the earlier versions were installed using Windows Installer.

Otherwise, you could use a system search to find an earlier version, and display a message in a similar way.
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