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Level 3

Setup.exe not working on 64-bit machines when launched with SYSTEM privilage

Hi all,

We are facing an issue with the installer of our product. The issue is described below.

When we launch our setup.exe by double-clicking, on a 64-bit or 32-bit machine, there are no problems and MSI gets extracted and installs fine. We have a management platform which can push setup.exe to endpoint systems and it calls the setup.exe with SYSTEM privilege. When this happens in 32-bit machines, there are no issues. But in 64-bit machines, MSI gets extracted to a folder

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Downloaded Installations\{26EC918A-D1A4-4712-963B-762A1022D751}.

But when the windows installer tries to launch the MSI, it looks in

C:\Windows32\ config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Downloaded Installations\{26EC918A-D1A4-4712-963B-762A1022D751}

because SYSTEM user doesn't have a home directory. So it throws a ‘File not found’ error.

This happens only when setup.exe is launched with SYSTEM privilege on 64-bit machines.

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks and Regards
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Level 3

We tried using Installshield 2012 and it works. Guess it was a glitch which got fixed in 2012 edition.
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