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Level 13

SUITE: UI resource exception: 80004002

I have a suite package where a customer is getting the following error when starting the setup. Basically it appears that the UI portion of code fails to run.

1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: InstallShield setup engine (Unicode) started, cmdline: /debuglog /log"C:\"
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: Engine: we're running from C:\Ac713.exe
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: Engine: running with elevated privileges: yes
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: Initializing engine...
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: Engine: parsing setup.xml
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: State manager: no existing state information found, creating new state
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: Engine: initializing UI
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: Initializing resource 'Setup_UI.dll', type 1
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: Resource was staged to 'C:\Users\CTOLLE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\{456DAC34-02B7-4376-B022-AD29610C2B0E}\Setup_UI.dll'
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: Module load succeeded
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: Failure during UI resource initializer call
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: UI resource exception: 80004002
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: Original exit status: 0x80004002, final exit status: 0x80004002
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: State manager: removing staging files from: C:\Users\CTOLLE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\{456DAC34-02B7-4376-B022-AD29610C2B0E}\
1-29-2015[08:19:47 AM]: State manager: removing state info

I am wondering if anyone else has encountered this and what the solution could be?
I tried to google the error code but did not find anything.
How can I best help our customer?

EDIT: Their system is Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

The error code is an E_NOINTERFACE while setting up the UI. But that's not coming from a place I would expect it. Based on other experiences, our current best guess is this is related to COM permissions on the machine in question.
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