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Level 7

SQLRTComponentInstall - InstallScriptMSI Equivalent

Hello, I am looking for an equivalent function to SQLRTComponentInstall in an InstallScriptMSI project. I want to manually execute some SQL scripts upon the end-user clicking on the Next button in the SQLServerSelectLoginDlg2 dialog box.

Any help would be appreciated!
Tim 😉
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Level 17

InstallScript MSI projects do not support an equivalent function of SQLRTComponentInstall because this type of project uses the custom actions to execute SQL scripts. In order to run your SQL scripts based on the end user's input, you need to use the Condition setting of SQL scripts.

Hope that helps.
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Level 7

Thanks! I don't want to wait until the custom actions fire to run these SQL scripts. I want them to run unconditionally upon clicking the Next button on the SQLServerLoginDlg2 dialog box. Do you know of a way I can do this?


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Level 17

You need to select the "Run Script During Login" checkbox in the Runtime tab. Note that there are some limitations associated with the option. Please see the SQL Scripts View » SQL Connection » SQL Script » Runtime tab help topic for more details.
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