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Level 9

Running Validate only gives Upgrade Validation Wizard option

I have noticed a couple of my IS 2009 install projects only have the Upgrade Validation Wizard option available when I go into the build\Validate section of my install project. All other options are disabled.

Why is it only giving me this option and disabling all the other options?

Is there any settings that I can change so that I have some of the other options enabled?
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(2) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

Most of the validation options are disabled if the most recent build created a compressed setup.exe. If a compressed MSI or any other release is built that does not create a compressed setup.exe, the validation options are enabled.
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Level 9

Okay I suppose that makes sense. I did create a single exe file so I'll try again with the CD Image format and check that one.

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