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RemoveRegistry table: How control if regkey is deleted and installed?


I  must delete a HKCU regkey and replace it with a updated version. I've created a DeleteSpotlightRegkeys feature and component and a ImportSpolightRegKeys feature and component.




I've used the RemoveRegistry table with the following settings:


RemoveRegistry table.JPG

How can I control in the msi logfile or is there another option if this action was succesful?

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(3) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking here.
What do you want to control the MSI log to do?
If you want to identify if the action was successful or not you can search the MSI log for the "RemoveRegistryValues" - this action uses information in the RemoveRegistry table and should give you information in the log if there were any issues.

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Thank you,

Those keys are responsible for displaying special PowerPoint sheets. When I run the msi I still see a mix of old and new PPsheets.

I m not sure if this remove/install action is performed or if the entry's in my RemoveRegistry table are correct.  Thats why I was searching for a control option.

MSI (s) (0C:6C) [12:14:57:124]: Doing action: RemoveRegistryValues
Action 12:14:57: RemoveRegistryValues. Removing system registry values
Action start 12:14:57: RemoveRegistryValues.
RemoveRegistryValues: Key: Removing system registry values, Name:
Action ended 12:14:57: RemoveRegistryValues. Return value 1.

What means Return value 1?

Kind Regards,



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EDIT: Found it in

Values that appear in the Log.
ERROR_SUCCESS  1       An action completed successfully.

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