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Level 3

Questions about certificate bought from Thawte

Hi everyone,

I purchased a certificate from Thawte on my Vista machine. Then Thawte sent me an e-mail with three links, one for installing the certificate, two for installing two intermediate certificates. After I did all the installations, I used the command "certmgr.msc" to check the certificate store. In the certificate store, in "Personal"->"Certificates", under "Issued To", it shows "Thawte Code Signing CA - G2" and "Thawte Personal Basic CA", but not the common name that I put in when I made the purchase. Also under "Expiration Date", it shows "2/7/2020" and "1/1/2021", but not "5/20/2012", the correct expiration date. What should I do so that the common name can show up under "Issued To" and the correct expiration date can show up under "Expiration Date"? Also, I notice that Thawte didn't send me any pvk and spc file. Is it because I used a Vista machine to make the purchase?
Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you.

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Level 3

I found out that on Vista, Win 7, and 2008 Server, it doesn't generate a PVK file. Instead, the private key is installed into the registry. Then I reissue the certificate from Thawte on my XP machine. Later Thawte sent me a link to download and install the actual certificate and two intermediate certificates. These certificates don't require to have a PVK file. I can still export the certificate to a PFX file and import the file on a different machine. Therefore, I think it's still ok to purchase a certificate on Vista, Win 7, or 2008 Server, and the certificate can still work fine without a PVK file. Anyway, thank you for reading my post and trying to help me.
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