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Level 10

Pure InstallScript and Device Driver Functions (DIFx) and Skin Mode does not work


Could this be a bug in InstallShield 2008?

The Device Driver Functions (DIFx support) like 'DIFxDriverPackageInstall' do not work when using a Skin for the User Interface. For me it looks like that the build process does not implement the DIFx support correctly (eg. the DIFxData.ini support file is missing in the cab file).

Is this problem known already? Is there a fix or workaround available?

(It took me half a day to find out what´s going wrong for my existing project (which uses Skin mode), cause a simple test project did work fine.)

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Thanks for investigating this issue, you are correct, in this case the file is not included by the build.

This problem is now being tracked as IOC-000065316.

Try this workaround:

1. Locate the "Support\Build" folder of the installed product, typically this is found under 'C:\Program Files\Macrovision\IS2008\Support\Build'.
2. Open the file "_userSkins.ipf" file using notepad.exe
3. This file has the format of a standard Windows ini file. Locate the 'Build Generated Support Files' section in this file.
4. Add the following key/value to this section 'FILE1=DIFxData.ini'
5. Save & close the file and restart the Ide.

The file should then be included in all cases.

Devin Ellingson
Software Developer
InstallShield, A Macrovision Company
0 Kudos
Level 10

that workaround solves the problem.

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