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Level 5

Pause uninstall

Hi there,

I use a customaction [see screeshot for details] (basic MSI installer) during deinstallation process. It runs a managed code ca ( installed with product). I included a userdialog in this c# dll to backup my sql express database.

The workflow I want during deinstalltion is as following:

-> launch uninstall -> run my customaction (uninstall should wait for the comletation of the customaction) -> returnvalue 0 -> continue with uninstall || -> returnvalue 1 -> abort uninstall

How can I realize that with IS 2010 Pro? I hope you can help me out 🙂

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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Does changing the Return Processing setting from Asynchronous to Synchronous make any difference?
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Level 5

I will check this out, but I think I allready tested this...

thx for you reply 🙂
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