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Level 3

Passing variables to custom actions

I had an msi installer where I launch a custom vbs script. This Script read some arguments passed from msi:


How could I achieve this using InstallShield?

I have included the call to my vbs script at (Custom Actions). But I can't find how to pass it these arguments.

Thanks in advance.
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(5) Replies
Level 17

You can accomplish it by creating another custom action under the Before File Transfer, and the the following is a sample VB Script code that sets the arguments:
Session.Property("ReadArgumentsCA") = Session.Property("SourceDir") + ";" + Session.Property("TARGETDIR") + ";" Session.Property("AppDataFolder") + "Logisplan;" + Session.Property("PersonalFolder") + .......

Note that ReadArgumentsCA is the name of your custom action that read the arguments through the CustomActionData property.

Hope that helps.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Is it possible to define custom dialogs using Installshield LE version?.
0 Kudos
Level 17

The Premier and Professional editions of InstallShield include a dialog editor that let you add custom dialogs, but the Express and Express Limited editions do not.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Ok thanks.

Do you know if it's possible to integrate Installshield 2010 pro with VS2010 or even 2012?

And where should I search how to do it? (i've been googling.... but anything found yet).

thanks in advance.
0 Kudos
Level 17

InstallShield 2010 Expansion Pack for Visual Studio 2010 is required to integrate with the final released version of Visual Studio 2010. InstallShield 2010 does not offer support for Visual Studio 2012.

When the InstallShield product is installed on a development machine where Visual Studio is already installed, during install of the InstallShield product, the integration to Visual Studio will automatically be established. If this integration becomes broken, see Q209060: HOWTO: Repair InstallShield Integration with Visual Studio.
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