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Level 2

Open the project in the new InstallShield not working

I have installed the Installshield 2011 in my machine. I have copied the existing project from my old machine to this one. But the old machine also have the IS 2011.

But I am not able to build my project in the new machine. Though the build successful, when I launch the setup, it throws an error (-5006 0x8007007b) and says something like "kernel\serviceprovider.cpp".

I tried so many things and suspect the and data1.hdr files.

If I replace them with the old set of files, the installation succeeds.

So I believe the and data1.hdr creates the issue.

In cab file viewer, I opened the

I expand the components, and expand the folder and "File" is there. If I click the "File" nothing is listed in the rightside pane. But in my explorer files are present actually.

Is there any configuration missing?

Have I missed any thing in the new machine IS Installation?
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(1) Reply
Level 4

Just found few links related to that error code:
Please refer these links

Hope it helps.
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