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Level 2

Ongoing Customer Information Serial # Validation Issue

I specify a Serial Number Validation DLL to be executed when the user enters a Serial Number on the Customer Information screen. Its written and defined accoring to the "Classic DLL Custom Action Function Prototype" instructions in the tutorial.

I've added a "Custom Action" to run "After Customer Information" dialog. When i use the "Test User Interface" in IS, this all works as expected [except i have to press the OK btn dlg that appears in my validation DLL twice - but at least i know it's getting called].

However, when InstallShield runs & we get to this step, i enter a serial # and press "Next" only to get the "InstallShield DLL Custom Action File xxx can not be found. make sure the file is on the target system or installed already" popup.

Since the DLL is in the install image, it can't exist on the target system nor be already installed cuz i haven't installed anything yet.

I've seen this problem stated many times by many people and have yet to find a posting which provides a successful solution. I'm pretty sure we aren't the only company using this product trying to use this step.

Some assistance in finding a solution would be immensely appreciated.
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Level 10

Under "Behavior and Logic" click the Support Files view, and add the necessary dll and any dependencies there. The support files get extracted to [SUPPORTDIR] at the start of the installation, and are cleaned up at the end of the installation.

That should do it! Good luck!
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