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Level 2

License for redistributable prequisite packages


I want to include some prerequisites in my installation package so that I have a self-contained installation package -- i.e. my users do not need to download anything from the web during the install step. I understand that I can use the Extract from Setup.exe option for the prerequisite I want to include. Now, how does the legal/licensing work for redistributing these prequisites. If I understand it correctly, these prerequisites are free to redistribute, but where is that actually stated? I'm looking for some sort of end-user licensing agreement (EULA) type documentation that clearly states that I can redistribute these prequisites freely.

For example, one of the prerequisites I want to include is Microsoft VSTO Runtime. Where can I find the EULA that says that I can redistribute this runtime package freely?

Thanks for your help.

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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

For third party redistributables, you must verify the terms of the vendor that supplies it. This is often part of the EULA shown by the redist itself, but there is no canonical easy way to find these terms. We can only grant the rights to distribute the .prq (metadata).
0 Kudos
Level 2

I figured that would be the procedure. Thanks for the confirmation.

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