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Level 3

LaunchAppAndWait does not wait

Hi all

I've seen many thread on this but couldn't solve this with them.
I'm installing MSMQ on Windows 7 and using ocsetup and the installation doesn't wait for it.
How can I make it wait?

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(2) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

Are you passing the LAAW_OPTION_WAIT option? If this process spawns a child process to perform the installation and then the parent exits? If so, have you tried using the LAAW_OPTION_WAIT_INCL_CHILD option?
Level 3

I'm trying to install MSMQ using ocsetup.
I've tried the LAAW_OPTION_WAIT but I'll try also the _INCL_CHILD option.
For now I've worked around in checking twice the registry and in between waiting two seconds to try and let it finish the installation.
I'll let you know if your help works.


joshstechnij wrote:
Are you passing the LAAW_OPTION_WAIT option? If this process spawns a child process to perform the installation and then the parent exits? If so, have you tried using the LAAW_OPTION_WAIT_INCL_CHILD option?
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