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Level 2

Isproj files failing after upgrading to InstallShield 2018


I have just upgraded from InstallShield 2016 to InstallShield 2018. Since upgrading my automated builds through TFS (MSbuild) are failing with the following error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\InstallShield\2018\InstallShield.targets(77,3): Error : No outputs for project "" were provided, but the installation project references ".".

I cannot make any sense of this error as everything was working perfectly when using 2016 and earlier. Thoughts and ideas!

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(6) Replies
Level 10

Have you tried opening the project in InstallShield 2018 and then saving it in that format before attempting the build? This will upgrade the project to the InstallShield 2018 format.
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Can you see the error is getting resolved after doing below:

Adding the project's primary output via Project Assistant > Application Files > "Add Project Outputs" button or via Application Data > Files and Folders > Source computer's folders > Visual Studio Solution will avoid the build error with MSBuild. Issue only occurs when adding output exe directly.
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I am experiencing this issue. This is even if I use the IDE within Visual Studio. The error occurs after I add a folder with file using the Application Files\"Add Folders" and subsequent "Add Files" button. The file is a resource dll. Ideas or wondering if Flexera/Revenera have any more information on this issue since the original post?

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Hi @Alan221 ,


  • If i get context correctly,you could get installshield working after upgrade since this thread is related to that.But after adding files/folder you are unable to build?
  • If you are getting "no outputs for project were provided but the installation project references",it is something to do with reference files you had added those aren't found as primary outputs.
  • You can check the primary outputs added by navigating through Files and Folder->Source Computer's Files(Left)->Visual Studio Solution->Project Name(If nothing gets listed right click->Refresh projects)
  • Try deleting the old reference of output group and re-add that
  • From the project's output group,you will be able to select primary or which ever output group required for the InstallShield setup.

Let me know if it helps,



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Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for the reply!

The builds are failing after the upgrade with the error message.

After narrowing it down, the error message and broken builds are occurring with external folders and files (i.e. not primary output) in the [installdir]. This is not involving primary outputs.

So, if I remove all folders within the [installdir] and all added files, but keep just primary outputs, the error message goes  away and the build does not fail. When I then add them back, the error message returns with build failing. For adding them, I tried 1) dragging needed folders with files into the InstallShield IDE within Visual Studio and 2) using the Add Folders and Add Files buttons in the IDE.

Are there other ways to add folders/files without getting the error/build failure?



Note: I changed my user name to Alan221 so that may be coming up now.

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Hi @Alan221 ,


Can you try opening .isproj file and check is there any truncation in the file(s)/directory being added?I had seen this in past,saying names get truncated in .isproj for unknown reasons.

Basically this file will be created from template targets file which you could find from [ProgramFilesFolder]MSBuild\2020\InstallShield.targets 




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