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IsCmdBld.exe parameters ?

I have file FlukeDMS17New2016.ism (see attachment). Using this file I am able to succesfully vuild my installation files using InstallShield 2016 GUI

File FromGui.txt contains the list of all files which I obtain if I build Release "Fluke DMS 1.7.professional (cofgiguration Komplett) from GUI, File Gui.png contains corresponding GUI.
For distribution I can use directory C:\...DISK1 containing 7 files:
Fluke DMS 1.7.professional.msi

or directory C:\BurnData\DMS_1_7_00_98\"Fluke_DMS_1_7_professional_1_7_00_98\Complete
containig the same 7 files.

From command line I tried with the following parameters
c:\Program Files\InstallShield\2016\System\IsCmdBld.exe" -p "c:\fk05uk\Komponente InstallShield\DMS17pro_Install\FlukeDMS17proNEW2016.ism" -r "Fluke DMS 1.7.00 professional" -a "Komplett" -b "c:\BurnData

The list of produced output files is in attached file FromCommandLine.txt

I expected similiar output as from Gui,
However I cannot find files .msi, .mst, .cab.

Probably (surely) my command line parameters are wrong.
Can you help me please how to set command line paramaters ?

Juraj Weisz
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