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Is there a way to print out the Basic MSI Project to a text file with all Fields and their values?

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Just curious, if there is a way to print out the project to a text file that breaks it down by the Installation Designer categories from Installation Information through Additional Tools with all the fields, values and properties related to the Categories and Sub-Categories in Install Shield 2018?

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(1) Solution
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

You wont be able to save it has txt file, however you can save it has an XML file using the project  file format field, and then you can edit the ism using notepad++ or any tool.

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(2) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

You wont be able to save it has txt file, however you can save it has an XML file using the project  file format field, and then you can edit the ism using notepad++ or any tool.

Thanks for the Help

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