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Level 2

Is there a .Net Framework v4.0 redistributable for InstallShield 2008?

When I get the list of the latest redistributables with the InstallShield Redistributable Downloader wizard .Net Framework v4.0 is not in the list. Is there anyway to get it or would we have to upgrade InstallShield?
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(2) Replies
Level 4

I am not sure if InstallShield 2008 already had a prerequisite editor, but if it does you can make your own .NET Framework 4.0 prerequisite.

It can be found under Tools Menu ->Prerequisite Editor. You can make prerequisites out of msi's and Setup.exe's. All you need is to download the .NET 4.0 installer to your computer and include it in your prerequisite. Maybe add some install conditions for robustness.
Check InstallShield's help on how this works.

Hope this helps
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Level 17

I believe that the .NET Framework 4 prerequisites require a special registry condition (A registry entry has a specified version value) that was added to the Prerequisite Editor in InstallShield 2009 SP2. This support is not available in InstallShield 2008, so you'd need to upgrade to a newer version.
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