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Level 3

Is a 64-bit InstallScript project possible?

I have an InstallScript Project (not InstallScript MSI) that I've been using for years to install a 32-bit application. I now want to use it to install a 64-bit application. My InstallScript calls several custom functions that are in DLLs that I ship with my product. Currently, it looks like IsCmdBld.exe is only able to build a 32-bit Setup.exe. Is there a 64-bit version of IsCmdBld.exe that will build a 64-bit Setup.exe capable of calling functions in a 64-bit DLL?
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Level 4

I couldn't find one. However, we build 64bit installs that work just fine. The installer simply runs as 32bit, but our product installs as 64 only.
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Level 3

Thanks jclark102. I'm happy to hear that I can get it to install a 64-bit only product correctly (hopefully that includes adding keys to the proper place in the registry and installing in the correct program folder). My bigger concern is that my setup script installs DLLs to their proper location but then calls functions in them to complete the setup. If the setup.exe is 32-bit and my DLLs are 64-bit, it won't work. I need to be able to build a setup.exe that is 64-bit.
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