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Level 2

InstallShield Limited Edition - Activation

I have a project built with ISLE which I am preparing for escrow. The problem I have is that ISLE requires online activation, which for escrow purposed is undesirable.

Is there any possible mechanism for activating Limiter Edition using a predefined key?


PS: Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, I couldn't find a "Limited Edition" sub forum.
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(2) Replies
Technical Writer
Technical Writer

If they can't activate online they will get the option to activate offline but they will have to activate the product using 1 of those 2 methods
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Level 2

I need help with offline activation of ISLE 2015. My computer is placed in a protected environment without internet connection.
Since I'm not able to activate online, I was searching for a way to perform this offline.
Searching forums and the net really pops up a lot about the topic, but nothing that did help me.

This is what I've done:
- Registered, and downloaded ISLE from:
- Installed ISLE on my offline computer running good old Server 2003 (x86) and Visual Studio 2010 Prof. Ok.
- Under "Other Project Types" I now find InstallShield LE, With text "Enable InstallShield Limited Edition" So far so good..
- Starting ISLE from here pops up a web page telling me to, 1. make sure I have internet connection, 2. select the link..
(which is to:⟨=1033&ver=pro)
- Clicking on the link takes me of course nowhere without internet connection..
(Tested the link on another system with internet, and it took me via microsoft, back to where I registered and downloaded in the first place.. ??)

- Instead I would have expected ISLE in VS to offer an option to start an offline activation process, but I'm stuck at this point...

Can anyone please explain how to perform offline activation (If possible at all?)
(Sorry if I may have placed the question in the wrong thread... :))


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