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Level 7

InstallScript 2008: problem with setup.exe?

Hello all! I hope the day's been treating you all well.

I seem to have a weird problem with InstallScript. I sure do hope it's me, because that's better than the alternative.

I have a project that according to my tester has worked fine in Vista up until the latest iteration. This latest iteration causes a crash. We actually get a message that there was a problem in setup.exe and that it will be shut down. Other OSs worked just fine. In an attempt to see if it was hitting the actual script at all, I threw in a MessageBox as the first thing in the script, so we could verify if it was getting that far. When I did this, the project ceased functioning in any OS.

I seriously hope that the latter case was a pure fluke. However, the former is still troubling. Are there any known issues with the IS 2008 setup.exe and Vista?

Many thanks,
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Level 7

Just InstallScript.
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Level 7

I already tried reverting the project (in other words, the same project minus the message box), and that runs fine, again on everything but Vista.
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