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Level 2

Install shield not over writting the files on destination PC

I tried the following issue using Install shield version 2019.

In Upgrade case, through my setup I have to over write the files on destination PC.

If I am running the Setup from Install shield IDE it is properly over writing the files on destination PC.

But, if I am running the Setup from any location it is updating the application version in control panel from 6.0 to 7.0 but not over writing the files.

why it is working when we running from IDE?

Thanks in advance for  your help.

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Level 7

You haven't provided anywhere near enough information to answer this question properly, but it has to be one or more issues with either the version numbers of the files or the upgrade settings you are running. I'm not sure why the IDE mode works, but it is a red herring, the only thing that matters is whether your release builds work. I suspect the IDE runs in Major Upgrade mode, but you've got your release builds set to Minor or something else. Questions:

. Are you running a major or minor upgrade?
. Have you spun the Package and Product GUIDs?
. Is the Upgrade GUID identical between the two releases
. What are the relevant versions of the files being installed, compared to the existing files.
. Does an upgrade actually run when you run the release or does it look like a fresh install?
. Are you using the upgrade setting: "Completely uninstall old setup before installing new setup"
. Are you running in UI mode or silent mode?
. Have you logged the install?

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