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Level 4

Install SQLserver Native Client fails on Windows 10 x64

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(8) Replies
Level 17

Do you include the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 driver in the ODBC Resources view? If so, remove it and rebuild your project to see if the error goes away. If you include the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 prerequisite in your project, you don't need to use the ODBC Resources view to install the driver.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Hi Hidenori,

Thanks for your care.

The driver issue is now fixed, I nowget the same error as described in
Unfortunately, the solutions proposed in that thread did not help ...

Here is what happens:

Here are my settings in the ISSQLDBMetaData table:
0 Kudos
Level 4

hidenori wrote:
Do you include the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 driver in the ODBC Resources view? If so, remove it and rebuild your project to see if the error goes away. If you include the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 prerequisite in your project, you don't need to use the ODBC Resources view to install the driver.

Hi Hidenori,

Thanks for your care.

The driver issue is now fixed, I nowget the same error as described in
Unfortunately, the solutions proposed in that thread did not help ...

Here is what happens:

Here are my settings in the ISSQLDBMetaData table:
0 Kudos
Level 4

hidenori wrote:
Do you include the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 driver in the ODBC Resources view? If so, remove it and rebuild your project to see if the error goes away. If you include the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 prerequisite in your project, you don't need to use the ODBC Resources view to install the driver.

Hi Hidenori,

Thanks for your care.

The driver issue is now fixed, I nowget the same error as described in
Unfortunately, the solutions proposed in that thread did not help ...

Here is what happens:

Here are my settings in the ISSQLDBMetaData table:
0 Kudos
Level 17

Make sure that the value of the AdoDriverName field is changed to the following value: "sqlncli11". Please check out this blog post for more information about the LocalDB support.
0 Kudos
Level 4

hidenori wrote:
Do you include the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 driver in the ODBC Resources view? If so, remove it and rebuild your project to see if the error goes away. If you include the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 prerequisite in your project, you don't need to use the ODBC Resources view to install the driver.

Hi Hidenori,

Thanks for your care.

The driver issue is now fixed, I nowget the same error as described in
Unfortunately, the solutions proposed in that thread did not help ...

Here is what happens:

Here are my settings in the ISSQLDBMetaData table:
0 Kudos
Level 17

The AdoDriverName field of the ISSQLDBMetaData table in your project still specifies the original version of the SQL Server OLE DB provider, "sqloledb" which does not understand LocalDB connection strings: "Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated Security=true.....". In order to enable connecting to LocalDB, you must change the value to use the SQL Server 2012 Native Client OLE DB provider, "sqlncli11", or a higher version.

The newer version of SQL Server Native Client OLE DB provider may not be installed on target systems. Therefore, you may want to use the Redistributables view to add the InstallShield prerequisite for the SQL Server Native Client to your installation in order to ensure that connecting to SQL Server works properly.
0 Kudos
Level 4

hidenori wrote:
The AdoDriverName field of the ISSQLDBMetaData table in your project still specifies the original version of the SQL Server OLE DB provider, "sqloledb" which does not understand LocalDB connection strings: "Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated Security=true.....". In order to enable connecting to LocalDB, you must change the value to use the SQL Server 2012 Native Client OLE DB provider, "sqlncli11", or a higher version.

I'm pretty sure I had changed that but I'll give it another chance
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